The Boy Scout of the Philippines Bulacan Council Executive Board Meeting is an important event that brings together leaders in the Boy Scout community to discuss the progress and future plans for the organization. The meeting typically takes place every quarter and covers a wide range of topics such as membership, programs, and community outreach.

One of the key discussions at the recently held Boy Scout Council Executive Board Meeting last March 24, 2023 at the Bulacan Scouts Pavilion, BSP Compound, Malolos City, Bulacan, revolved around the registration of learners per district. As the Organization looks to expand its reach and impact, it is vital that efforts are made to attract new Boy Scouts to participate in the program. Board members may explore creative ways to engage with schools and community organizations to highlight the benefits of being a Boy Scout.

Another important topic of discussion was the allocation of resources and funding for various projects and events throughout the year. The board members carefully considered each proposal and ultimately made decision that would benefit the entire Boy Scout community.

Overall, the Boy Scout Council Executive Board Meeting is a crucial forum for discussing the direction and growth of the organization. Through collaborative efforts and strategic planning, board members work together to ensure the Boy Scout continue to make a positive impact on the youth of their community.


Division BSP focal person