Allen Artchie A. Enriquez
Administrative Officer II


          The existence of Covid-19 provided tremendous hurdles and learning curves in all forms of schooling. The experiences of learners during these crucial times contributed a lot to their emotional well-being. Emotional anxieties set in with too much exposure to gadgets and limited social and physical activities. Most of the learners have no other outlet or extra activities to release the stress and anxiety brought about by the pandemic. Students in these circumstances are missing out on peer interaction, developing lethargic habits, and losing their creative drive.

          Extra-curricular activities allow students to excel in other areas, not just academics. These activities can boost students’ confidence and lessen anxious feelings caused by pandemic demands. One of the enjoyable and learning-by-experience activities is SCOUTING. It helps boys and girls to be socially conscious, morally educated, environmentally aware, skills-tested, and service-oriented citizens and leaders in the future. SCOUTING is fun, it builds good relationships. Taking part in scouting activities contributes to the community, improves life skills, and develops leaders of today and tomorrow.

           Students today are really excited to once more experience the various activities offered to them like hiking, camping, yell competition by troops, cooking, and games that made them well strategic and work collaboratively for their team’s success. These scouting experiences are worth remembering and priceless for all, making SCOUTING enjoyable and fun for everyone.
The great comeback of Boy Scouts of the Philippines and Girl Scouts of The Philippines in the school paved the way once again to light the fire of the Scouting Program in creating responsible citizens in the community as they acquire good values and develop basic and essential skills needed to live meaningfully and productively in this world.
Kudos to the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of the Philippines!